San Francisco Intl Airport

Driving Directions

San Francisco Intl Annual Airport Traffic Information

Rank: 7
Take-Offs and Landings
In 2015: 24,190,560
In 2014: 22,770,783
In 2013: 21,704,626
In 2012: 21,284,236
In 2011: 20,056,568
In 2010: 19,359,003
In 2009: 18,467,908
In 2008: 18,135,827
In 2007: 17,280,328
Percent Change
2014 to 2015: 6.24%

San Francisco Intl AIRPORT FAA Flight Delay Information

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Real-time Status
The status information provided on this site indicates general airport conditions; it is not flight-specific.  Check with your airline to determine if your flight is affected.
Due to RWY-TAXI / CONSTRUCTION, there is a Traffic Management Program in effect for traffic arriving San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, CA (SFO). This is causing some arriving flights to be delayed an average of 43 minutes. To see if you may be affected, select your departure airport and check "Delays by Destination".
Delays by Destination:  No destination-specific delays are being reported.
General Departure Delays: Because a traffic management program is delaying some arriving flights, departing flight schedules may be affected. Check with your airline to determine if your flight is affected.
General Arrival Delays: Arrival traffic is experiencing airborne delays of 15 minutes or less.